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Re: ✅Department of Education, Science and Technology,Medicine and health forum


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Height can increase the risk of six cancers
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An analysis by the World Cancer Research Fund shows that taller people are at risk of developing six different types of cancer.

It is known that there are a number of factors that can increase the risk of developing cancer. These include diet, weight and lifestyle habits such as smoking and drinking alcohol, which can increase your chances of developing the disease. However, there are other factors beyond our control. According to the World Cancer Research Fund International, your height is one such factor.

The research team analyzed global evidence on the relationship between diet, weight, physical activity and cancer. It concluded that there was "strong" evidence that the higher the height, the greater the risk of ovarian, prostate, pancreatic, colon, breast and kidney cancers.

More specifically, they found that every additional five centimeters in height increased the risk by the following amounts:

Kidney cancer: 10% increased risk

Pre- and postmenopausal breast cancer: 9 and 11% increased risk, respectively

Ovarian cancer: 9% increase Risk increased by 8%

- Pancreatic cancer: increased risk by 7%

- Colon and rectal cancer: 5% increased risk

- Prostate cancer: increased risk by 4%

Why does height affect cancer risk?

Susannah Brown, science program director at the World Cancer Research Fund, explained how the risk of cancer lies in the process of getting tall rather than being tall.

"The most important thing to remember is that it's not a person's height—the distance from your head to your feet—that increases your risk of cancer. Instead, the process your body underwent to make you taller is linked to cancer," he said. .

In other words, he explained, final A** height is a visual representation of the growth process a person's body has gone through from conception to adulthood. This process is influenced not only by genes, but also by modifiable growth factors (for example, growth factors such as insulin and growth-like factor), insulin, growth hormone, and hyt hormones such as estrogen) in utero and during childhood and adolescence.

"Therefore, height should be considered only as an indicator of the entire chain of events and experiences from conception to adulthood, and it is important to determine the aspect or aspects of this process that influence cancer risk."

Factors that determine height

While height is influenced by genetics, diet also plays a role. "We know that people reach their maximum height around age 20, and that a person's height is partly influenced by their genes as well as the nutritional quality and quantity of food they receive as they grow and develop," says Brown. .

The effect of environment on height is illustrated by the increase in population height in many countries in the early nineteenth century, reflecting improvements in hygiene and nutrition during this period.

We also know that children's growth can be accelerated by feeding them a protein-rich formula, which in turn leads to taller A***.

Additionally, children who are heavier for their height (mainly due to fat) tend to grow faster and be taller (and fatter).

In high-income countries, where people tend to be relatively tall and obesity rates also tend to be high, the age at which girls experience their first period has fallen steadily in recent decades from around 15 to less than 11. the processes result directly or indirectly from developmental feeding and changing hormone levels (either growth-related or hyt-related hormones).

These hormones affect both the visual structure of people (such as their height) and the growth and behavior of cells within the body, Brown explains. body, so it seems likely that these are at least part of the reason taller people are more likely to develop six types of cancer.

Common symptoms of cancer include:

- Cough, chest pain and shortness of breath

- Changes in habits t

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A word of caution for athletes and coffee lovers: Choosing the right time can save you trouble
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Warning to athletes, coffee lovers, choosing the right timing avoids problems

Many sports enthusiasts love to drink coffee and prefer to drink it at different times and amounts, and most of them do not realize that there is an ideal time to drink their favorite drink and that they should be careful about the amounts they drink daily in order to to reduce their exposure to "dehydration".
Dr. Sherif Azmy, adviser to the Ministry of Youth and Sports on medical measurements and athlete nutrition, told Al-Ahram Gate that coffee is a popular drink for most people, including athletes, but a large section of them may not be aware of appropriate time to drink their coffee or the appropriate amounts This deprives these people of the full benefits of their drink and may expose some of them to diarrhea, which in turn can lead to dehydration.
He added: The ideal time for athletes to drink coffee is at least one hour before the start of exercise, which is preferable to be in the morning or later in the afternoon and not in the evening, as drinking it in the evening can deprive body a peaceful sleep.
The ministry adviser pointed out that drinking too much coffee every day can be a cause of diarrhea for some, as a result of consuming caffeine in large quantities and that diarrhea can lead to dehydration and this can put some at risk.
Azmy explained that the stomach absorbs the caffeine contained in coffee within a period of about 15 to 45 minutes, so its effect on the body begins after a minimum of 30 minutes and is completed after a maximum of 75 minutes.
He noted the need to drink more water in addition to coffee, as it has great benefits for the body, considering the limitation of daily caffeine intake, pointing out that the body's interaction with caffeine and the period of its stay in the body differ. from one person to another, preferring moderation in coffee consumption, Not to be taken in the evening

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Re: ✅Department of Education, Science and Technology,Medicine and health forum


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The sinuses.. Tips for preventing risks that can lead to blindness

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dust storm (archive)

Two days ago, the Meteorological Authority in Egypt warned patients with sinusitis not to leave their homes unless necessary.
An alert is issued with every dust storm or active dust-laden wind the country sees and is aimed at allergy and sinus patients due to their severe effects on the respiratory system and those affected by either disease.
A desert depression over the Western Desert, accompanied by southwesterly winds, visited Egypt on Sunday.
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According to doctors and medical reports, those with sinusitis should follow certain guidelines, such as washing the nose with saline solution to relieve nasal congestion and discharge, and inhaling water vapor that hydrates the mucus in the nose and relieves from sinus symptoms. .
He also advises sinus patients to drink plenty of water, and to stay away from caffeine, as it causes sinus irritation and stimulation, and also to avoid exposure to strong odors.
Hot water compresses on the cheeks, nose and forehead also relieve sinus pain, and eating plenty of vegetables and fruits is very important for sinus patients.
It is certain that moving away from cigarettes and smoking in all its forms, including hookah, and staying away from dust and closing doors and windows is essential.
Doctors recommend that patients with sinusitis exercise regularly, wear medical masks if they have to leave the house and do not take them off until they return home, and it is also recommended to change them after mid-periods because of the dust that they it is stuck.
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Sinusitis occurs after swelling of the spaces in the nose and head. It has many symptoms, including thick, discolored nasal discharge, runny nose running down the back of the throat, nasal obstruction and difficulty breathing from it, feeling sore and tender when touched, swelling around the eyes, cheeks, nose, or forehead, and finally bad smell and taste.
The issue can progress, according to a report published by the Mayo Clinic, leading to permanent vision loss, although this is a rare case.
Complications of vision problems increase if sinusitis spreads to the eyeball and can cause reduced vision or the possibility of blindness, which can be permanent, according to the report.

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Re: ✅Department of Education, Science and Technology,Medicine and health forum


Post by sugar »

With honey and yogurt.. 5 recipes to overcome the sensitivity of the old days
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The suffering of allergy sufferers increases with the intensity of dust storms, prevalent in today's weather conditions, resulting in dust inhalation, frequent coughing and difficulty breathing, but there are several household foods that can help to simply deal with the problem.
The Times of India newspaper has mentioned some useful home remedies to overcome allergy symptoms.
Allergies to honey
they appear as a result of the body's interaction with the dust, so you can take a spoonful of honey to stop this interaction because honey contains anti-inflammatory properties.
The imbalance of the immune system contributes to increasing the body's reaction to external factors such as dust.
Drinking vinegar helps reduce mucus secretion in the respiratory tract, which relieves allergy symptoms, and it is recommended to eat 3 tablespoons of vinegar during a day with dust storms.
Orange and lemon
The body needs to overcome allergies sufficient amount of vitamin C, which boosts the power of white blood cells and the right amount of vitamin is found in citrus fruits like orange and lemon.
Vapor inhalation
The nose should be cleaned of dust, inhale the steam of hot water for 10 minutes, with a towel as a cover for the head to benefit as much as possible from the steam emerging from the pot

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Re: ✅Department of Education, Science and Technology,Medicine and health forum


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A mysterious disease kills 20 people...and the symptoms are vomiting and diarrhea

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Most of the deaths are children

A mysterious disease has spread through a village in central Ivory Coast since late last year, killing 20 people, most of them children, according to a new tally.
"The death toll was 12 until January 26. But it rose on Thursday as twenty people died, including two A***," said Paul Kouassi, head of the youth association in Kebo-Cankoro village, about twenty kilometers from the city. Bouake.
Other villagers confirmed the death toll.
Kouache explained that the dead A*** were two women in their 60s and 70s, who both died in a hospital in Bouake, "after showing the same symptoms as the first deaths, which are vomiting and diarrhea."
Recently, 33 residents of Kebo-Cankoro were admitted to Bouaké University Hospital with similar symptoms, according to medical sources.
Two ministers visited the village in December after the first death was recorded, and Health Minister Pierre Demba visited the village on January 31 to assess the situation, according to Kwasieh

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Re: ✅Department of Education, Science and Technology,Medicine and health forum


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Another pollution warning.. revealing the danger of living in cities polluted with toxic air!
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Long-term exposure to air pollution has been associated with an increased risk of depression and anxiety.

Researchers from Peking University in Beijing analyzed the records of 389,000 people in the UK over a 10-year period.

Annual exposure to air pollution was calculated for each participant, including PM2.5 - particles so small they can pass through the lungs into the bloodstream - and nitrogen dioxide, which is emitted by vehicles.

In a decade, 13,131 people were diagnosed with depression and 15,835 people were diagnosed with anxiety.

The analysis showed that those exposed to the highest amounts of air pollution were 16% more likely to develop clinical depression and 11% more likely to develop anxiety compared to those with the lowest exposure.

"The associations may have important policy implications for air pollution control," the team said in JAMA Psychiatry. "Reducing exposure to multiple air pollutants may reduce the disease burden of depression and anxiety."

They said an increased risk was recorded even at pollution concentration levels below UK air quality standards, suggesting that stricter regulations were "necessary".

They added that while more research is needed to explain the reason for the association, it may be that air pollution affects the central nervous system - which consists of the brain and spinal cord - in many different ways.

Commenting on the study, Anna Hansel, professor of environmental epidemiology at the University of Leicester, said the study provides "further evidence" of the potential effects of air pollution on the brain.

"This new, well-conducted study found associations between air pollution and anxiety and depression in the UK, which has less air pollution than many countries around the world," he said.

The study results show that reducing air pollution levels, even when they are low, is likely to benefit mental health. It provides further evidence to support a reduction in current levels of air pollution in the UK.

It comes after the World Health Organization (WHO) issued a dire warning last year that almost everyone on Earth is breathing unhealthy air.

According to the agency's air quality standards, 99 percent of humanity lives in an area with unacceptable levels of pollution.

And the organization warned that polluted air is putting almost everyone's long-term health at risk

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Re: ✅Department of Education, Science and Technology,Medicine and health forum


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Depression increases the risk of heart disease in young A***
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Young people who feel down or depressed are more likely to develop cardiovascular disease and have worse heart health, new study results show
The results of the study were published in the Journal of the American Heart Association and were conducted by researchers at the Johns Hopkins School of Medical Research, who analyzed the data of more than half a million young people between the ages of 18 and 49.

The study joins a growing body of evidence linking cardiovascular disease and depression in young and middle-aged A*** and suggests that the link between the two could begin in early adulthood.

One in five study participants reported feeling depressed or down, and those who reported feeling down for several days had a stronger association with heart disease, compared to those who reported no psychologically bad days in the 30 days before the survey.

The results said: "Anxiety and depression increase heart rate and blood pressure, and it is also common for frustration to lead to poor choices such as smoking, drinking alcohol, sleeping fewer hours, and poor physical activity, and these negative situations affect the heart

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Re: ✅Department of Education, Science and Technology,Medicine and health forum


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Diet is the number one cause of premature death today
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Mayo Clinic preventive cardiologist Dr. Stephen Kopecky warns that diet is now the number one cause of premature death and premature disease in the world and is just as dangerous as smoking
"Having genes for the disease increases a person's risk of developing the disease by 30 to 40 percent, but having a poor lifestyle increases the risk by between 300 and 400 percent," Koepke said.

"About 57 percent of the calories consumed daily in the United States come from highly processed foods, which are convenient and cheap foods that cause inflammation and a host of diseases," Koepke said in a discussion on the Mayo Clinic website.

According to research and academic reviews cited by Koepke, increased consumption of fast and processed foods is linked to heart disease, cancer, Alzheimer's, pancreatic, liver, and even lung disease.

But "the good news is that it's never too late to change eating habits, and there are very few changes. It's been shown that replacing a bite of processed meat or highly processed foods with foods like vegetables, after a year or two, actually reduces the risk of heart and stroke".

Foods are called "over-processed" when they contain many added ingredients, such as sugar, salt, fat, artificial colors, preservatives and stabilizers

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Re: ✅Department of Education, Science and Technology,Medicine and health forum


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Study of two million women: Pregnancy complications predict heart disease
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A large study finds that women who experience pregnancy complications are more likely to develop heart disease after giving birth.
The British newspaper "Daily Mail" reported that the researchers studied the cases of more than two million Swedes who gave birth between 1973 and 2015, adding that they focused on five pregnancy complications.
These are associated with high blood pressure disorders, pre-eclampsia, premature birth, low birth weight and gestational diabetes.
The results showed that a pregnant woman suffering from one of these complications increases her risk of developing heart disease in the future by up to twofold.
Overall, the scientists found that nearly 84,000 women, nearly 4 percent of the total sample, were diagnosed with heart disease at an average age of 58.
The researchers found that the women developed ischemic heart disease, a condition that occurs when reduced blood flow to the heart prevents the heart muscle from receiving enough oxygen.
"The results show that the five major complications of pregnancy are independently associated with an increased risk of ischemic heart disease that may persist up to 46 years after delivery," the study said.
The results of the study were published last Wednesday in the British Medical Journal 'BMJ'.

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Re: ✅Department of Education, Science and Technology,Medicine and health forum


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A Russian company is preparing a single test that identifies infection with one of 8 viruses at the same time
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The Russian company Sistema-Biotech has developed a standardized test that will determine whether a person has one of 8 viral diseases.

Including influenza and COVID-19, which reduces the risk of complications for the patient. This was reported by the press office of the Russian news agency "Novosti" on Tuesday, February 7.

A scientific laboratory working in the field of molecular biology, genetics and cell technologies, in the company Sistema-Biotech, as a subsidiary of the Russian company AFK Sistema, developed this test that can determine in less than 30 minutes whether a person has any eight acute respiratory diseases; It is spread by aerosol and causes mass infection with COVID-19 (regardless of the strain), adenovirus, various types of influenza and others.

The scientists explained in the laboratory that swabs from the throat or nose are taken from the patient and used as samples for analysis. The study itself takes about 15-30 minutes and can detect infections present in the human body with 97% accuracy.

"The patient test allows us not to run eight different studies to detect the flu separately, the coronavirus separately, etc., but after running just one study it can quickly detect any of the eight respiratory infections, which gives the doctor the opportunity to prescribe treatment in time and reduces the risk of complications for the patient

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